These are the regularly scheduled classes you have loved and attended for years. A class with (Z) indicates Zoom. Members can drop into these classes unless registration is indicated.
These are the regularly scheduled series that mix it up every four to eight weeks: guest speakers, entertainment, one offs, and often truly ‘special’ programs. Many require online registrations or Front Desk sign up.
These are all the fun things the Special Events Committee plans, events that usually involve food, beverages, games and other entertainment. These usually require advance sign up and payment by a specific deadline. Special Events are listed on Calendar with regularly scheduled programs.
Off-site excursions you can walk to, car pool, hop on a van or bus. These trips always require sign up and
deadlines, and require payment to secure your seat at sign up.
The Courier is produced every two months with a full listing of scheduled programs & events around the House, including a ledger-sized calendar.
Please note that programs are subject to change from the time of print. For the most up-to-date schedule, please refer to our website.
All members receive a digital version of The Courier to their email inbox every other month. In addition, you may pick-up a paper copy at the House.
Use the schedule to see what's happening today and check for any changes in the week! For a view of the monthly calendar, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Is there an activity or course you would like to see offered? Get in touch!
We encourage our members to share their interests with us in order to offer engaging and impactful programming for our community.
For class meeting times, and registration information, please see the calendar. Please note that our class schedule changes in July & August. Check the calendar to confirm if a class is meeting.
with Anne Wert
Class will learn various techniques and touch on the basics of painting ,including color, value, and composition. Each session will focus on a project.
with Sheila Zompa
Designed for beginner and intermediate French learners who have a basic knowledge of French grammar. Emphasis will be on speaking. French culture will often enhance the conversational experience.
with Kate Champa
Students will learn about clay, forming objects without a wheel, glazing and firing.
*Materials fee of $15.00 per student must be paid directly to instructor at first class.
Join a self-directed gathering of studious German language students.
with Anne Rourke
This is a class for students with some previous training or experience in watercolor. You will be able to explore a variety of techniques and interesting subject matter in your work.
with Suzanne Lewis
This class is open to all levels of painting, but some drawing experience is recommended. The class will study oil and watercolor media. The class will meet at various pre-determined locations
in the Providence area.
The Art Studio is located in the basement and available for use by members when art classes are not in session.
with member Alicia E.
For beginners, grammatical concepts will be explained in English and Spanish. Students will read text that increases in difficulty.
with member Alicia E.
Conducted in Spanish, students learn to ‘think’ in Spanish through reading and conversation. Lessons will progress in difficulty as students read Spanish novels that require knowledge of basic grammar and verb usage.
For class meeting times, and registration information, please see the calendar. Please note that our class schedule changes in July & August. Check the calendar to confirm if a class is meeting.
Meets monthly to discuss a selected title of fiction or non-fiction.
Each month the poetry group explores selected works of best-loved and lesser known poets. Copies of poems are made available in print or digitally.
Facilitated by member Nancy C. These sessions provide a supportive space to get feedback from other writers about how to enhance your message— the high points, what works, what leaves questions for the reader and what might work better. Each poet will bring a poem (or 2) to be work-shopped.
Facilitated by member Rick T.
Rick will prompt the group’s conversation on current topics based on the suggestions participants bring to the
group. This is NOT a lecture, but rather an opportunity for those who enjoy a good discussion to share their opinions about what they've been reading and hearing in the news. Bring a topic to the group, and your device of choice (laptop/phone/tablet) if you wish for ‘in real time’ fact-checking!
Coordinated by member John S.
Join a lively, weekly discussion group about a stimulating essay or short article.
For class meeting times, and registration information, please see the calendar. Please note that our class schedule changes in July & August. Check the calendar to confirm if a class is meeting.
All levels welcome.
with member Gail R.
Stay fit through the joy of dance! No partners needed. This one-hour class begins with isolation warm up exercises and progresses to mild and a moderate aerobic workout through basic Latin and Ballroom .
A low impact class for active older adults, with upper and lower body exercises. The class helps with balance, strength, preserving bone density, vitality, and
By Sally Gruber, Certified Horticulture Therapist
Each month students will receive a kit including fresh flowers and greens, accents, container, instructions, thematic poetry or music to produce their own floral designs at home.
*Cost of materials ~ $22 per arrangement
with member Helen L.
Drop in sessions. Delve into your family journey! Working directly with Helen or stopping in for advice, members will learn about the myriad of databases available to search for public records and newspapers to uncover new information on known ancestors or discover new ancestors. Also learn about organizing family papers and documents.
with Sara Flanders
with Lee Clasper-Torch
At the still point of the turning world…. there the dance is
--T.S. Eliot
Longing for some stillness in your life? Join us for some simple, centering meditation. New and returning members are always welcome.
There are ways in which we are dealing with aging and our life choices, reflecting on things we have learned over the years about what makes life interesting, and gaining perspective on barriers and struggles (including some we still have) -- all from a perspective of being "men" in our society. That can mean a lot of different things, maybe without a lot of consistency, but that is part of the conversation.
The classic word game!
with Bob McManus
Tai chi is a practice that involves a series of slow gentle movements and physical postures, a meditative state of mind, and controlled breathing.
Description by the NCCIH.
For women identified members, the Hamilton House Women's Group is an opportunity for participants to provide each other with non-judgmental support while discussing issues relevant to women's lives as they age. Topics for discussion will be generated by group members, with assistance from the facilitator.
Classes are subject to change. Please See the calendar for an up-to-date schedule of current classes and programs. Some classes listed may not be currently offered.
Hamilton House
276 Angell Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02906, United States